We have prepared a VM for you to use after the tutorial about Fabric. It can be downloaded from these OneDrive links: [1. VBOX descriptor] [2. VDI disk image] (the password is "Copenhagen") before April 4th. If you'd like to access the files after that date, please send us an email.
After downloading the image, make sure to adjust the number of CPUs and the size of its allocated memory to values compatible with your computer. The password for the default user is "password". Fabric is installed in the home directory of the user.
Fabric is installed in: /home/vmuser/fabric-samples
If you want to use a proper text editor, Sublime is here: /home/vmuser/Desktop/sublime_text_3
To verify whether the VM is operational and ready for the tutorial complete these steps (pdf).
If you want to explore the official tutorials for Fabric, try your hand at this tutorial. The same website will also explain how to install Fabric from scratch (the virtual machine has the dependencies already installed).
You should clone the following repositories before the tutorial inside the VM (these repositories also contain the tasks to perform in their READMEs):
Additionally, slides explaining the exercises can be found here.
If you have questions/doubts, feel free to email Zsolt (zsis [ at ] itu.dk).